Thursday, January 7, 2010

What's up with my Makeup!

Are you in your late 30’s or 40’s and thinking that once upon a time, 28 was over the hill but that now that just seems preposterous to you because you’re just feeling too groovy baby! And, wasn’t that just yesterday anyway? Well, for those of us that are in our 30’s or 40’s, who haven’t changed our beauty routine since then, we are probably thinking…what’s up with my makeup??? And, we are realizing the inevitable… we sure can’t wear makeup like we used to. A black smoky eye that was mysterious and sexy in your 20’s, now tends to look like you haven’t slept for a week! So, it’s time for a change! In our 30’s and 40’s, the biggest concerns tend to be fine lines, texture changes, dullness and unevenness in the skin.

These can be addressed by choosing the right foundation; one that doesn’t settle into fine lines, isn’t too matte or drying. Testing different brands can be time consuming and expensive and often produces unsatisfactory results. As pros, we’ve tried many products, and we suggest silicone based face primers and foundations. These have amazing staying power and they don’t settle in those fine lines that just appeared recently like an unwelcome stranger! “Test Subjects”, or shall we just call them our good natured and willing friends; have volunteered their lovely faces for us and have worn the stuff for 16 hours, run on treadmills for an hour and have even taken hot showers while wearing silicone based products. And, the results are now in… May we have a drum roll please…Silicone foundation just keeps on ticking! It doesn’t fade with a sweat inducing mama of a hot flash, streak down your face after an emotional outburst or rainstorm, smudge off on that humid summer day or travel where it shouldn’t! Voila, c’est magique!

Georgia, Vicki and Paulina are partners of Wink Makeup Academy and our Makeup Experts at

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